10 Aug 2020

Argument Analysis: See a Free Sample Essay - Learnmate Blog

Much confusion surrounding essays stems from the fact that students don't have access to samples of work. Here's the introduction...

Much confusion surrounding essays stems from the fact that students don't have access to samples of work. Here's the introduction and one body paragraph of sample argument analysis I wrote for VCE English to give some ideas to my students about the ways you can pull apart a piece:

The issue of duck shooting in Australia is approached with thoroughly differing angles by three opinion articles published between 2011 and 2012: it is condemned by articles published in the Herald Sun and The Age; the first attempts to create an emotional response, in contrast to the second article’s methodically presented argument, although equally with emotive elements. Conversely, the third article, entitled “Leave us Levy!”, extols the value of the sport from the perspective of a shooter, who reasons that he is providing a service.

Debbie Lustig, in the first article, anthropomorphises a duck in an attempt to evoke feelings of guilt and responsibility in the reader. The poignantly entreating title, “Dead duck asks, why me?” is placed directly above the image of a man who is presented as flippant in his handling of two slain birds, as he looks casually into the camera. The article makes use of the pronouns “I” (the ducks) and “you”, in order to create a feeling of culpability in the reader, an attempt to compel them into taking action against duck shooting. The verbs employed, such as “waddling” and “dabbling”, coupled with use of the past tense, reinforce the helplessness of the creatures in a bid to engender sympathy. As Lustig writes of the ducks’ deaths, words such as “broke” and “shattered” reinforce the brutality of the events, whilst the continuing “I” of the “duck” continues to beseech the reader for empathy. The article concludes by questioning the audience, “Did I do something wrong?”, underlining once more the defencelessness of the ducks and Lustig’s belief that they should not be targeted.

So what essay-writing techniques did you notice?

If you loved this article, you will LOVE all of our other articles, such as: How To Structure A Comparative Essay (VCE English Tips)2U Maths Tips from a Past Student (98 in 2U Maths)!

 – Learnmate Tutoring.

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