Summary: This analyses the language surrounding Rapid Antigen Tests, Novak Djokovic's visa saga, and the Omicron variant, which were hot...
February 1, 2022
Summary: This article is aimed at incoming English Language students, giving them an overview of the course and where to...
December 27, 2021
Summary: This article focuses on the final few days of preparation before the English Language exam, and in the room...
October 21, 2021
Summary: This article gives advice on exam preparation and strategy, with most of it being generally applicable, although it framed...
October 7, 2021
Summary: This article uses both personal and public examples to explain the key unit 4 concept of how language is...
September 17, 2021
In this article, I'll be looking at how language can be used to influence perceptions and thoughts. What does this...
July 21, 2021
Hey guys! One of Learnmate's tutor, Scott Ho, referred me a video on how language and identity are reflected in...
June 22, 2021
It may be the one thing you dread most, amid analytical commentaries and memorising metalanguage: finding language examples for your...
June 16, 2021
To help you with this pathway, I have compiled a list of what I'd recommend you do to help you...
May 14, 2021
Practice Piece - Short Answer & Analytical Commentary - Formal Language Around this time of the year, many of you...
May 5, 2021