18 Oct 2020

Checklist for VCE English Language Exam - Learnmate Blog

To help you with this pathway, I have compiled a list of what I'd recommend you do to help you...

To help you with this pathway, I have compiled a list of what I'd recommend you do to help you with thorough EL exam preparation.

1. Finalise your metalanguage definitions list. Without intricate knowledge of the metalanguage required, you will barely pass. You MUST know it. Feel free to download a template to fill out here: http://learnmate.com.au/metalanguage-template/

2. Finalise your quotes/examples list for the essay section. To succeed in the essay section, you MUST have both media/modern examples and linguist quotes to support your cases. To get you started I have created a template for all of your quotes and exam, sorted by category. Of course, you don't need to fill out all boxes as that would make for a very long quotes list, but try to fill out as much as you see appropriate and relevant for your essay and your brain to remember! Again, feel free to remove or add sections - this template can be edited to your liking. You can find the editable docx file here: http://learnmate.com.au/…/uploads/2016/10/QUOTES-EXAMPLES-L…

3. Create detailed notes for both Units and all AOSs. My online course will be able to help you immensely with this (if you don't already have access to it). Don't just think, however, that because you bought Connect Education's notes that you've bought yourself a 50! Big mistake. The person who got the 50 (and who consequently wrote those notes) would've spent hours upon hours making the notes from scratch, so to get a high mark you should too. This means rephrasing notes into your own words. You can find my online course here: https://www.udemy.com/VCE-english-language-course/…

4. Complete as many practice exams as possible under timed conditions. No use taking your jolly time. Where to get practice exams you ask?
- http://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/…/stu…/englishlanguage/exams.aspx
- http://wiki.engageeducation.org.au/practi…/english-language/
- You can purchase others from online companies or ask your teacher.
- My online course has a few which will help.

5. If you have time, I'd also recommend going through the EL study design for this year and just ticking off each of the checkpoints and key knowledge required for each AOS. This will ensure you know EXACTLY what the assessor could assess on the exam. No nasty surprises: http://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/…/eng…/EnglishLanguageSD_2016.pdf

6. Beyond practice exams and what your teacher gives you, you can also find your own real-life examples for the analytical commentary section. Saw an evacuation procedure on the wall at your school? Analyse its language usage and complete a practice analytical commentary. Heard your friend using a new slang term for 2016? Write it down and include it in your essay examples bank.

Need a last-minute helping hand? Feel free to search for an English Language tutor here

Thanks! I sincerely hope this helps!


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