Stephane is very organised, clear and thorough with his tutoring. He is able to build a good rapport. My Y12 son gained confidence and was more motivated to study soon after the first few sessions.

Andrea was very patient and through with helping me build my essay structuring skills, she has plenty of resources to assist you during your exam preparation as well.
Andrea was also willing to read a text that she had not previously taught just so that she could assist me with my course work.

Thomas is very thorough and took careful measures in helping my son grasp a concept that he had forgotten.

Nate has helped me so much with my maths skills and overall enhanced my problem solving skills and the way I approach math problems. He is also very encorunaging and his lessons are always a fun learn

Nanditha has been nothing short of amazing! She is calm, patient, knowledgeable and extremely dedicated. I loved how she connected with my child and is able to go above and beyond to help out her students. Thanks Nanditha!

Tara helped me so much for my Psychology exam in just a couple of lessons. She made me feel more confident in everything I was doing. She knew what she was doing and is very knowledgeable. I 100% reco

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