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Join 10,000+ students
tutored on Learnmate.
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Pick from over 700
amazing tutors across Australia.
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Save up to 50% on tutoring
compared to agency businesses.
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Join Australia’s fastest growing tutoring community

Join Learnmate to access thousands of private tutoring and coaching jobs across Australia. Whether you are just getting started or established, Learnmate's platform provides everything you need to start finding private jobs.

Tutor school level English, Maths & Science (or any other school subject), teach someone a new language, instrument or skill like AI prompting or Coding, or provide business and life coaching...!

The world is your oyster.

Become a tutor
Learnmate Simon Tutor
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How it works

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Register for an account

if you meet our minimum requirements, register for an account and create your profile on Learnmate.
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Tutor students

Once live on Learnmate, tutor students who ask you for help. Log lessons in your calendar and Learnmate take care of the rest.
Number 3

Payments & reward

Learnmate automatically pays you for lessons completed & eliminates risk of non-payment. Unlock higher tiers as you go.
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Here’s why you should join Learnmate.

We find students

We do all the marketing

No need to post ads or chase leads online. Access thousands of students each year looking for support.
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To decide your hours & pay

Tutors decide their hourly rates and availability, including days and hours per week. You decide which students to take on.
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Build your reputation

Complete lessons & get reviews

Build your brand on Learnmate by completing lessons to earn ratings and reviews. Do hours to unlock Learnmate’s Silver, Gold and Pro tutor tiers.
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Training & support

Training, resources & support

Tutors have access to professional tutor training modules, Learnmate’s support staff and Learnmate’s full platform!
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Minimum requirements

Tutors should be passionate and able to help their students achieve. To ensure this, tutors must:
be high school graduates with an ATAR of 95 or higher (or overseas equivalent); or
qualified teachers, professional tutors or coaches (qualified teachers start on our Silver tier); or
able to demonstrate 1+ year experience tutoring, have a relevant qualification or have mastered the skill or domain they wish to tutor.

Additionally, tutors must have a strong grasp of English language and can commit to at least 3 hours per week.

Learnmate Helen Tutor
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Learnmate Emily Tutor

Be rewarded for building your brand

Build a brand and profile to match on Learnmate.

At Learnmate, we incentivise and reward tutors for making an impact. Tutor tiers are our way of acknowledging those who consistently add value and make an impact in our community.

Most tutors start on Learnmate's Bronze account tier and can unlock the Silver, Gold and Pro tiers by taking on students, completing lessons and receiving reviews. Qualified teachers start on Learnmate's Silver tier.

The higher your account tier, the less you pay and the more visibility your profile has on Learnmate!

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Hear what our tutors have to say for yourself!

"Find students, arrange lessons and receive payment easily and efficiently."
Linda, Tutor
"Tutoring is one of the most rewarding jobs I've ever had."
Claire, Tutor
"A great platform to apply my tutoring skills and learn valuable life skills."
Daniel, Tutor
"An inclusive environment for all tutors."
Liam, Tutor
"Arrange lessons arround your schedule and positively impact the lives of students."
Nicola, Tutor
"Guaranteed payment - I receive pay weekly for lessons completed.."
Aric, Tutor
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Join the Community of Tutors Earning with Learnmate!

Become a tutor today!
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Private tutoring jobs

Learnmate provides a simple to use platform that supports you to private find tutoring jobs quickly and easily. Whether that’s as an English, Maths or Science tutor, for students in ELC, primary or high school, or an adult aged learner looking to learn a language, instrument, or other skill like AI prompting, coding or public speaking.

We make it easy to find tutor jobs near you in Melbourne to realise your value without exclusive contracts or arrangements where a company or agency unfairly takes more than their fair share. Thousands of tutors use and have used Learnmate to effortlessly build their tutoring business and find private jobs online or near them, including:

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