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Find your tutor or coach today.

With hundreds of Australia's best tutors and coaches on Learnmate, there's a tutor for everyone and every need. Simply type your subject above to start finding them.

Whether you are looking for:

  • a tutor for a school student in ELC, Primary school, High School or Year 12
  • a qualified teacher for VCE, HSC, IB, UCAT, admission test preparation or any other curriculum
  • a linguist to help you learn a new language, such as Spanish, French, German or Italian
  • a musician to teach you the Cello, Violin, Guitar or Piano
  • someone fluent in IT to teach you basic computing, programming or coding
  • a business or life coach to help you make the most of your opportunities

There's someone for everyone on Learnmate.

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How it works

Number 1

Find your tutor

Browse our tutors and use filters to find expert tutors aligned with your goals and requirements.
Number 2

Complete lessons

Effortlessly progress to lessons. Our platform makes starting one-on-one lessons a breeze.
Number 3

Achieve greatness

Receive personalised guidance from expert tutors. Master subjects and unlock your true potential.
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As seen on:
The AustralianThe Daily TelegraphThe Age

Our students and parents describe their experience

Tailored teaching and style to suit each student's needs.
Sherrie, Parent
Enjoyable lessons and extra support during assessment season.
Sarah, Student
I've got higher grades in English and maths.
Caleb, Student
I'm focused when I go to class, because I understand what's going on.
Sianna, Student
I've been reading every night now, and find it really easy.
Emmanuel, Student
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