About Learnmate

Helping Australians achieve their full potential
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Join 9,000+ students
tutored on Learnmate.
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Pick from over 600
amazing tutors across Australia.
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Save up to 50% on tutoring
compared to agency businesses.
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What is Learnmate?

Learnmate has been Australia’s most trusted platform to connect students with expert tutors since 2015. From Australian school subjects to new languages, instruments and skills, our tutors cater to over 110 different learning areas across Australia.

With Learnmate, it’s easy to enhance academic performance, boost your confidence and acquire new skills with:

  • Personalised Learning: Your learning journey is tailored to you
  • Quality Assurance: Meticulously vetted tutors, ensuring they meet stringent qualification and experience benchmarks
  • Flexible Modes: Easily find tutors in-person or online, aligning with your convenience and comfort.
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How it works

Number 1

Find your tutor

Browse our tutors and use filters to find expert tutors aligned with your goals and requirements.
Number 2

Complete lessons

Effortlessly progress to lessons. Our platform makes starting one-on-one lessons a breeze.
Number 3

Achieve greatness

Receive personalised guidance from expert tutors. Master subjects and unlock your true potential.
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Here's why you should use Learnmate.

600+ Tutors

Available all across Australia

Find the perfect in-person or online tutor and have trust in your selection with verified ratings and reviews.
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Affordable & secure

Up to 50% cheaper

Tutors are up to 50% cheaper than agency businesses and all payments are safely secured and processed by Learnmate.
No cash needed.
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110+ subjects

Our tutors cover everything

Whether you're looking for a school tutor, business coach or aspire to learn a new language, instrument or skill (ie. coding), we'll have the perfect Learnmate for you.
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7 in 10

Students engage tutors

Our research shows that 70% of students who achieve ATARs of 99+ engage one or more tutors. Join over 9,000 other students who have done the same on Learnmate.
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Our students and parents describe their experience

Tailored teaching and style to suit each student's needs.
Sherrie, Parent
Enjoyable lessons and extra support during assessment season.
Sarah, Student
I've got higher grades in English and maths.
Caleb, Student
I'm focused when I go to class, because I understand what's going on.
Sianna, Student
I've been reading every night now, and find it really easy.
Emmanuel, Student
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Join Thousands of Students Excelling with Learnmate!

Find Your Perfect Tutor Now
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