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Hear from Learnmate tutors

Since 2015, Learnmate has provided the go-to platform for tutors across Australia to find, manage and help students realise their potential. Whether you are an established tutor, coach or just getting started, our dedicated team is here to help support and empower you to build your brand and become a success on Learnmate.

Don’t just take our word for it! Hear from some of our outstanding tutors about why they chose Learnmate, and what makes our platform different.

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Learnmate tutors describe their experience

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"Find students, arrange lessons and receive payment easily and efficiently."
Linda, Tutor
"Tutoring is one of the most rewarding jobs I've ever had."
Claire, Tutor
"A great platform to apply my tutoring skills and learn valuable life skills."
Daniel, Tutor
"An inclusive environment for all tutors."
Liam, Tutor
"Arrange lessons arround your schedule and positively impact the lives of students."
Nicola, Tutor
"Guaranteed payment - I receive pay weekly for lessons completed.."
Aric, Tutor
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Hear what Some of Our Students Have To Say


Kate is an incredibly efficient and compassionate English tutor.

Kate is an incredibly efficient and compassionate English tutor. She has guided my development in several key areas including a clear formation of ideas and accurate grammar in an enjoyable manner. Her abundant resources and flexibility with her lesson structure have made my year 12 IB Literature experience significantly easier to manage.
5 Star Ratings

Learnmate is a great portal that helped me to access some of the best tutors for my subjects.

Learnmate is a great portal that helped me to access some of the best tutors for my subjects. I struggle in English and have found a Learnmate tutor who is helping me to see remarkable improvements in my results
5 Star Ratings

Vincent has been so caring and supportive by adapting his teaching style to suit me.

I have had many tutors over my high school years, but none have been as great as Vincent. He has always been a positive tutor who has helped me strive to do my best even during the most challenging times. Vincent has been so caring and supportive by adapting his teaching style to suit me. 
5 Star Ratings
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  • Caroline

    Kate is an incredibly efficient and compassionate English tutor.

    Kate is an incredibly efficient and compassionate English tutor. She has guided my development in several key areas including a clear formation of ideas and accurate grammar in an enjoyable manner. Her abundant resources and flexibility with her lesson structure have made my year 12 IB Literature experience significantly easier to manage.
    5 Star Ratings
  • Aaron

    Learnmate is a great portal that helped me to access some of the best tutors for my subjects.

    Learnmate is a great portal that helped me to access some of the best tutors for my subjects. I struggle in English and have found a Learnmate tutor who is helping me to see remarkable improvements in my results
    5 Star Ratings
  • Jayde

    Vincent has been so caring and supportive by adapting his teaching style to suit me.

    I have had many tutors over my high school years, but none have been as great as Vincent. He has always been a positive tutor who has helped me strive to do my best even during the most challenging times. Vincent has been so caring and supportive by adapting his teaching style to suit me. 
    5 Star Ratings
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Get started with Learnmate

Since 2015, Learnmate has provided an exciting and supportive environment for tutors across Australia. Whether you are an established tutor or just getting started in the industry, our platform is here to connect you with thousands of potential students and make it a breeze to become a successful tutor.

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