Sam’s tutoring and helpful guidance has made a huge difference towards my sons learning. He was able to relate very well and made the sessions fun and interesting. We have gone from failing year 11 to achieving high marks in year 12. I could not recommend a better tutor.
Tahlia was an amazing tutor, who was super helpful and had excellent knowledge of the SACE curriculum. I thoroughly enjoyed my weekly sessions and appreciated her positive and encouraging attitude. I highly recommend Tahlia, if you want studying in year 12 to be a fun and beneficial experience.
I was struggling in chemistry for so long until I found Surbhi! She explains things in great depth a detail, making it really easy to understand. She even realises what details I might be missing and helps me to understand understand the basics so that I can understand the harder stuff. Only wish I had found her sooner!
Casey has been fantastic. She is very approachable, relates well to my daughter, explains things well and my daughter has learned a lot already. She is flexible and understanding when we have had to change appointment times. I would definitely recommend Casey!
Kashish is a excellent tutor, as he explains every thing he teaches so you can easily understand it. He also is great at giving out homework for the child to work on throughout the week until their next session. Kashish is also very friendly so my child really enjoys the lessons.
Dear Olivia, thank you for your hard work in supporting my son to improve and develop his research and writing skills. Your expertise in teaching and research has put our minds at ease. We are so grateful to have you as our son’s teacher. I do highly recommend you for all students.