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Looking for 
Private Tutors in Brisbane

Looking for a tutor in Brisbane?

Find the perfect Private Tutors in Brisbane with Learnmate.

Find the perfect Private Tutor in Brisbane with Learnmate, where we make your search for outstanding tutoring support near you or online effortless. We link you with an extensive network of experienced and professional private tutors in Brisbane and online, who are on hand to help you immediately.

From qualified teachers to top-performing ex-students, Learnmate provides access to detailed tutor profiles showcasing their teaching credentials, expertise, and ratings and reviews, giving you the confidence you are engaging the best fit for your learning needs.

Ready to find your private tutor in Brisbane?

Are you on the hunt for an experienced and affordable Private Tutors in Brisbane? Learnmate has hundreds of tutors nationwide and has been helping students find Private Tutors in Brisbane since 2015.

Our Private Tutors in Brisbane are Australia's best and most affordable tutors and cover tutoring for all ages - from primary to high school, to Year 11 & 12, even adults looking for a little support to sharpen their skills.

Ready to find yours?
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Learnmate Olivia Math Tutor
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21+ Brisbane tutors available now

Qualified teachers, professional tutors & students who excelled

Mai M

10 years of experience teaching English
BioEnthusiastic English & ESL tutor
Subject Icon
SubjectsLiteracy, Literature, English

Kirsty L

Tailored support for academic success
BioExperienced tutor with post-graduate quals.
Subject Icon
SubjectsEnglish, Literature, Extended Essay

Lila B

97.3 ATAR, 2 years experience
BioUQ Science/Laws student
Subject Icon
SubjectsChemistry, Science, Maths Methods

Lauren G

Master of Teaching, Advanced Science (Hons)
BioScience Graduate and Education Student
Subject Icon
SubjectsEnglish, Chemistry, Maths Methods

Kathy C

99.2 ATAR, Tutoring for 8+ years
BioStudying Medicine at the University of QLD
Subject Icon
SubjectsChemistry, Biology, Physics

Adriana R

Passionate student, instilling confidence
BioUSC Bachelor of Education/Arts
Subject Icon
SubjectsEnglish, English Language, Literature

Samantha J

Achieved 100% in every Physics assessment
Bio99+ ATAR. Biomedicine student.
Subject Icon
SubjectsMaths Methods, Physics, Chemistry

Luca D

99.75 ATAR
Bio2 years tutoring experience
Subject Icon
SubjectsEnglish, Maths Methods, Physics, Biology

Caroline V

99.90 ATAR. 1 year tutoring experience
BioVC Scholarship holder
Subject Icon
SubjectsEnglish, Maths Methods, Chemistry

Romy H

Tutored in Uni
BioHumanities grad, major in English Lit.
Subject Icon
SubjectsEnglish, Literature, English (Extension), History
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How it works

Number 1

Find your tutor

Browse our tutors and use filters to find expert tutors aligned with your goals and requirements.
Number 2

Complete lessons

Effortlessly progress to lessons. Our platform makes starting one-on-one lessons a breeze.
Number 3

Achieve greatness

Receive personalised guidance from expert tutors. Master subjects and unlock your true potential.
How it works for students
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Our tutors

Qualified teachers, professional tutors & students who excelled

Why use Learnmate to find your next tutor in Brisbane?

Here's the why.
We have built our platform to make it easy for families like yours to find and engage local tutors in Brisbane or online effortlessly.

Whether you are struggling with English, science, maths or any other subject, want to catch-up with classmates or peers or want to excel to the top, Learnmate's selection of the best tutors in Brisbane can help you achieve your specific goal through personalised tutoring.

With hundreds of tutors to pick from, there is a tutor for every need on Learnmate. Pick from tutors who:
are online or in-person near you
are qualified to teach or are skilled at the subjects you need help with
have real reviews to give you confidence in who you're engaging
are available and affordable from just $30/hr + GST
Learnmate Pro, Gold, Silver, Bronze Tutors
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The benefits of using Learnmate.

Tutor matching

With Learnmate, it is easy to find, connect and schedule lessons with the perfect tutor. The process is seamless, including cash-free automated payments.
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Achieve mastery

Face challenging topics and goals head-on to achieve mastery with an expert tutor. They're skilled at breaking down complex concepts and teaching new skills, to help you excel.
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Boost confidence & stress less

Achieve your learning goals and stress less with the guidance of an expert tutor. As you bridge gaps and achieve your goals, watch as your confidence grows and your skills sharpen.
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Achieve more for less

With Learnmate you can achieve more for less. The average hourly rate for lessons on Learnmate is $55/hr in 2024, a big discount to other offerings in the tutoring industry.
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Tutor ratings & reviews

Woman Teaching Man

Recent review for Sofia

We are thrilled at the transformation in our son's performance... maths has become his best subject and his confidence level is high.
5 Star Ratings
At Learnmate, we're taking word of mouth referrals to the next level with tutor reviews and ratings.

Consider what other students who have gone before you have to say about a tutor before making your pick.

As an added layer of verification and comfort, tutors on Learnmate can also earn badges if we verify certain information about them, including Qualified Teacher and Working with Children Check badges.

You can hover over a badge for an explanation as to what it means.
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Recent reviews for our Brisbane tutors

I heard about Learnmate from school counsellor, and it's been fantastic. We found the right tutor for our daughter, and it goes really well. Learnmate makes everything easier. Thank you, highly recommend Learnmate to everyone.
Reviews rating
Sam’s tutoring and helpful guidance has made a huge difference towards my sons learning. He was able to relate very well and made the sessions fun and interesting. We have gone from failing year 11 to achieving high marks in year 12. I could not recommend a better tutor.
Reviews rating
We have had two sessions with Lila and my girls have found the sessions to be valuable and have assisted with their ability to write their chemistry assignment.
Reviews rating
Hayley is amazing, she has helped my daughter so much and is always friendly and helpful. My daughter loves her tutor time and has asked to go more often.
Reviews rating
Kirsty is a really kind person and definitely one of the reasons I was able to walk confidently into my external Liturature exam. Her teaching style was really easy to follow and I enjoyed being tutored by her.
Reviews rating
Zelda was the most beautiful, nice, and perfect person. Ever since working with her, my confidence for the subject has increased. Zelda's prices for her lessons are affordable and worth every penny.
Reviews rating
Really happy with our Tutor Cathy, she is very attentive to my daughter's needs and provides me with regular updates regarding my child's progress. She is a lovely caring beautiful lady and I would highly recommend, I'm so glad we found Cathy :) My daughter looks forward to her tutoring lesson each week
5 Star Ratings
We found a great tutor for our daughter's HSC exams. The tutoring was very structured, outcome-focused and encouraging taking my daughter through all the curriculum requirements. The platform is super easy to use, straight forward, no need to buy a certain amount of lessons in advance and ability to reschedule lessons if need be, without penalty. Every lesson comes with a lesson digest for the parents.
5 Star Ratings
I heard about Learnmate from school counsellor, and it's been fantastic. We found the right tutor for our daughter, and it goes really well. Learnmate makes everything easier. Thank you, highly recommend Learnmate to everyone.
5 Star Ratings
Can highly recommend this platform. Our tutor knew the content very well and our daughter now she feels confident for exams. Simon was always happy to help with any queries we had and guided us through the process.
5 Star Ratings
  • Jess
    Really happy with our Tutor Cathy, she is very attentive to my daughter's needs and provides me with regular updates regarding my child's progress. She is a lovely caring beautiful lady and I would highly recommend, I'm so glad we found Cathy :) My daughter looks forward to her tutoring lesson each week
    5 Star Ratings
  • Dorine
    We found a great tutor for our daughter's HSC exams. The tutoring was very structured, outcome-focused and encouraging taking my daughter through all the curriculum requirements. The platform is super easy to use, straight forward, no need to buy a certain amount of lessons in advance and ability to reschedule lessons if need be, without penalty. Every lesson comes with a lesson digest for the parents.
    5 Star Ratings
  • Dessi
    I heard about Learnmate from school counsellor, and it's been fantastic. We found the right tutor for our daughter, and it goes really well. Learnmate makes everything easier. Thank you, highly recommend Learnmate to everyone.
    5 Star Ratings
  • Kerry
    Can highly recommend this platform. Our tutor knew the content very well and our daughter now she feels confident for exams. Simon was always happy to help with any queries we had and guided us through the process.
    5 Star Ratings
  • Pad
    Our son had the first introductory lesson with Gauravi for Chemistry and UCAT preparation. and we found her to be precise and supportive. Our son felt confident about the chapter she took him through and clearly saw the benefit of continuing learning with her. We look forward to her sharing tips and tricks that helped her achieve her great results!
    5 Star Ratings
  • Lisa
    We are thrilled at the transformation in our son's performance and attitude towards maths since starting. In a very short space of time, maths has become his best subject and his confidence level is high. He actually enjoys his tutoring sessions. Dane has quickly transformed him. We are thrilled and I could not recommend Dane more highly.
    5 Star Ratings
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Brisbane lessons when and where it suits you

Find the Perfect Tutor Near You in Brisbane with Learnmate

Learnmate is your gateway to finding exceptional tutors in Brisbane who cater to all stages of the education journey, from early schooling through to Year 12 and beyond into adult learning. Our extensive network of private tutors service a wide range of disciplines, including English, mathematics, and science for primary and secondary students, as well as tutoring for QCE subjects for Years 11-12. Whether you are looking to bridge learning gaps, just keep up with the school pace, or excel at a subject or skill, Learnmate’s Brisbane tutors are available to improve your skill, build confidence, and kindle a love for knowledge within a supportive backdrop.

Tailored Tutoring That Addresses Unique Learning Styles
Learnmate recognises and values that everyone's learning needs are distinct and everyone's aspirations differ. Offering both in-person sessions and online tutoring, Learnmate's tutors serve diverse educational needs throughout Brisbane, be it on the Gold Coast, in the South Bank, West End, New Farm, Fortitude Valley, Chermside, Mount Gravatt, or Indooroopilly. Our tutors personalise their approach to suit the individual learning styles and preferences of students, rendering education accessible and stimulating for all.

Exceptional Education at Affordable Prices
With Learnmate, premium tutoring is both accessible and affordable. Utilising our search function, you can effortlessly locate tutors near you or online starting at just $30 per hour. Tutors on Learnmate have the autonomy to set their rates, so you will find tutors for every budget, whether they are recent high achieving graduates, qualified teachers or professional tutors. We’ve meticulously crafted this platform to balance affordability with high-quality tutoring.

Mentors That Enlighten and Motivate
Our tutors possess the requisite knowledge, abilities, and techniques to both guide and mentor students. They are not merely tutors but mentors driven to inspire and support students’ personal and academic development. By concentrating on individualised learning strategies and objectives, our tutors will can help you achieve your goals to tap into your full potential.

Embark on Your Educational Journey with Learnmate
Are you prepared to find a tutor in Brisbane? Kickstart your search with Learnmate today by using our search bar to identify subject-specific tutors ready to aid you in achieving academic success and personal growth. Use our Advanced Location Filter to easily search for local or online tutors to suit your needs.

With Learnmate, the path to academic excellence and a lifelong enthusiasm for learning is straightforward and rewarding.

Girl with a headphone
Tutors who are masters of the subject
1:1 & personalised to your needs
Affordable and effective
Online tutoring or near you
You pick your tutor
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Frequently asked questions

Learnmate is a trusted community marketplace that helps connect individuals all over Australia with quality tutors and coaches who want to share their skill, knowledge and experience. Learnmate’s tutors and coaches are the go-to for individuals and families all across Australia, including:

  • parents and students looking for personalised school tutoring support (from as young as ELC to Year 12)
  • professionals looking for business or life coaching, and
  • individuals or groups who simply want to learn a new language, instrument or skills such as AI or coding

At Learnmate, we recognise that time is our most precious commodity in life. We can expend it once and we can’t buy more of it. But we can save it and ensure we realise the true value of it.  By partnering with a Learnmate, individuals can leverage a tutor's expertise and experience to avoid spending time figuring it out, learning by mistake and the all too familiar stress and anxiety that usually accompanies those struggles. That means achieving more and succeeding faster.

Whether you’re someone looking for school tutoring, professional coaching or to learn a new skill or language, or are an enthusiastic tutor or coach with services to offer, we’d love to see you join Learnmate.


Finding a tutor or coach has never been simpler. Simply start your search by entering the subject you're seeking support for in Learnmate’s search bar. Take advantage of Learnmate's search fields and advanced filters to find the perfect tutor for you. These include:

  • mode or location (in-person or online)
  • hourly rates
  • teaching qualification, and
  • special needs experience

You can then view a tutor's full profile and reach out to them directly by clicking 'Contact tutor' and sign-up to get started.

You'll be taken to your account where you can talk directly to your tutor, see and manage your lesson schedule, purchase prepaid packages to save and more!

Request a tutor

If you have tried searching but are unable to find a tutor or coach for your needs, feel free to hit 'Request a tutor' in the top right of your browser and we'll do our best to match you with a Learnmate in 1-2 business days.

The best tutors.
Learnmate provides a platform to find trusted individuals you want to learn from. Our community consists of high achievers, highly experienced teachers and professionals who have conquered a subject or domain and can help you achieve your learning goals.

Whether you're after a tutor who was a high achiever in school, a qualified teacher, a coaching professional or simply an expert in their domain, there's someone for everyone on Learnmate.

Affordable and fairly priced
Tutors and coaches set their own hourly rates on Learnmate based on their experience, qualifications and overall service. With over 600+ tutors on Learnmate, there is an affordable tutor available for every household budget.

On average, tutors and coaches are up to 50% cheaper than tutors and coaches engaged through agencies and other companies. Why? The simple answer is Learnmate takes less with an industry leading commission structure. Agencies and companies typically take a margin of between 40-65% from tutors while Learnmate's commission ranges between only 23-30%. That simply means less is passed onto you.

Simply and effortlessly succeed and save with a Learnmate.

Our community

Our tutoring community is made up of tutors and coaches from many different walks of life but all have one thing in common: they have a passion for teaching and want to leverage and share their expertise, knowledge, skills, tricks and prior success to help you achieve your potential and succeed faster.

From qualified teachers and professionals who have mastered their field, to recent graduates and aspiring neurosurgeons, doctors, lawyers, engineers, mathematicians, data scientists, web developers and future leaders, every tutor on Learnmate is unique.


One of the best parts about Learnmate is that you have complete freedom to review any tutor's profile, including their experience, achievements, pricing and subjects tutored. This means you pick who you want to learn from or partner with, have complete transparency who is teaching you or your kids and can be confident you're getting value for money. 

Tutors set their own hourly rates on Learnmate and the cost of tutoring varies based on several factors, including the tutor's experience, qualifications, and the level of education they are teaching. Here are some average hourly rates on Learnmate in 2024 to give you a better idea:

  • Overall Average Hourly Rate: $55/hour
  • Average for Year 11-12 Tutoring: $60/hour
  • Average for Primary School Tutoring: $47/hour
  • Average for Qualified Teachers: $78/hour
  • Average for Expert Tutors: $62/hour

A community marketplace

As a marketplace, Learnmate is always open for new tutors and coaches to join the platform and offer their services. Head to our registration page here to view the minimum requirements to list on Learnmate and to apply.

Minimum requirements

People come to Learnmate with specific learning objectives in mind and it is important that tutors are able to help them achieve those objectives. Accordingly, it is important that you have the ability, experience, knowledge and resources (or willing to obtain them) to get the best out of your students. This generally means having materials, plans and resources to provide your clients.

You can view the minimum requirements we typically look for before approving tutors on our registration page.

Not sure if you meet the minimum requirements or worried you don't have enough experience? Tutors and coaches at all stages of their careers use Learnmate. Whether that's a 18 year old looking for their first student after finishing school or a qualified teacher of 20 years. We recommend applying regardless. The most important thing we look for in tutors is passion and commitment to helping others achieve their learning goals.

Tutors and coaches must apply to list on Learnmate and meet certain minimum requirements before approved to list. Learnmate reviews all applications to ensure that tutors and coaches meet a minimum level of relevant experience and/or qualification. That said, you should always review a tutor or coach's profile and ensure they meet your requirements before proceeding to lessons.

Generally, tutors must have:

  • experience teaching

  • a relevant qualification or experience

  • can demonstrate they have mastered a skill or domain, or

  • personally excelled at the subjects they teach.

Additionally, all tutors and coaches are required to maintain a current Working with Children Check to work with students under the age of 18 in Australia. Please ensure you ask to see and verify your tutor's Working with Children Check prior to engaging any tutor for students under the age of 18.

There's something for everyone on Learnmate. 

There are over 110 subjects currently taught by tutors and coaches on Learnmate. The subject range includes tutoring for children aged anywhere between ELC/kinder and Year 12, to anyone looking to learn an instrument, language or skill (such as coding) or a professional looking for business and life coaching.

Specific subjects include (but are not limited to):

  • English, Science and Maths

  • Business, Economics and Arts

  • Languages, such as French, Spanish and German

  • Musical instruments, such as Guitar, Cello, Piano and Violin

  • Admissions tests and interview preparation

  • Business & Life Coaching

  • Coding
  • and much more...!

Tutors and coaches are available both online and in-person all across Australia. Whether you’re in a metropolitan CBD or living in a remote location, there will be someone for you on Learnmate.

Tutors choose where and how they tutor - some will tutor online and in-person and some may only do one or the other. You can use Learnmate's filters located on the left hand side of your search (if you can't see it, press the little green tab) to see if there are tutors near you.

The availability of in-person tutoring will depend on your location and particular need. As tutors have spent the last few years learning and teaching online, we're confident they have mastered teaching online and can be just as effective as if they were in-person. 

Option 1. Contact tutors

Once you have found a tutor or coach that you want to work with, click 'Contact tutor' on their profile to reach out to the tutor directly. Discuss your requirements with the tutor, ask questions about their experience, availability and rates and decide if you want to proceed to lessons. If you do, and your tutor is available at a suitable time, ask them to schedule lessons in; you will receive notifications when lessons are booked and they will start to appear in your calendar on Learnmate.

Option 2. Request a lesson

Alternatively, you can request a lesson directly from a tutor by clicking 'Request lesson' on a tutor's profile and provide your tutoring requirements, desired day and times for a lesson.

If you are looking to request an in-person lesson, make sure your tutor is in your area by using Learnmate's advanced location filter. To increase the likelihood your tutor can fit you in, we suggest that you request for your first lesson to be online.

If your tutor is available, they will schedule in your lesson and you will be notified once it is booked in your calendar on Learnmate.

Learnmate is a cashless platform.

To have lessons with a tutor, users need to join Learnmate and have a valid credit or debit card linked to the account. You will be prompted on sign-up to add connect a credit card to your account. As per our Terms & Conditions, cash payment and direct transfers are not accepted.

Automated payments. 

Payment will be automatically processed from the credit or debit card linked to your account 24 hours after each lesson.

Privacy & Security

Learnmate uses Stripe, one of the most trusted payment providers, to process and securely and privately store payment information. Learnmate does not store or have any visibility over your payment information.

The likes of Airbnb, Amazon, Zoom, Atlassian, Shopify and many other companies you deal with on a day-to-day basis all use Stripe to process payments. 

You're in safe and secure hands with Stripe. 

If you're engaging a tutor for a school student, the answer will depend on the student’s specific needs, current level and goals.

Evidence for Learning (2020) believe that optimum impact is achieved in one-to-one tutoring where short (roughly 30 minute) regular lessons are completed 3-5 times per week (i.e. 1.5-2.5 hours per week) over a set period of time. Our data suggests this is most suitable for younger and primary school tuition, whereas Year 11-12 tuition tends to be longer (1-1.5 hours) lessons and should occur 1-2 times per week.

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