Learnmate's quality tutors

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How to find and engage the best.

To list on Learnmate, tutors and coaches must demonstrate that they have a requisite level of knowledge, experience or qualifications to teach. Learnmate reviews every tutor's application against certain criteria to ensure they are suitable to be listed on Learnmate to achieve student's learning goals. All tutors are also provided the opportunity to complete professional development training through Learnmate.

To ensure that you find the best and most suitable tutor for you, Learnmate enables you to see every tutor's full profile, including their background, experience, qualifications, subjects taught, rating and reviews received. We also have a badge system and account tiers on Learnmate to better enable you to identify verified tutors with the level of experience and qualification that suits your need.

Together, this means it is easy to identify and engage quality, professional and trustworthy tutors capable of helping you achieve your learning goals

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Sofia English Tutor
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Only the best

Tutors must be accredited teachers, have a high academic track record, relevant qualifications, backgrounds or experience to be listed
Partner with a Learnmate to create a personalised learning plan to help your child with the areas they need support or that you want to focus on.

Whether that's in English, maths or science, a new language, instrument or skill (such as Ai or coding), search Learnmate to find a tutor that suits your needs, including location, qualification, budget and special needs experience.

Working with Children

Need a tutor for a student under the age of 18? Identify tutors whose WWCC Learnmate has verified by the ‘WWCC’ badge on their profile. Don't see one? Ensure you ask your tutor to provide it Individualised or small group tutoring can be extremely beneficial for students who want to accelerate their learning or to catch up and learn at their own pace.

Learnmate’s high school tutors have experience in structuring and planning lessons and supporting students across all year levels for a range of subjects.

Online Training

Tutors who have completed Learnmate's professional development training can be identified by the ATA Trained badge on their profile

Whether you're looking for an HSC, IB, QCE, TCE, SACE, WACE, VCE, UCAT or admissions test tutor, you can find them and achieve your academic potential on Learnmate.

Profiles and reviews

Access to every tutor's full profile on Learnmate, including their experience, qualifications, account tier, ratings and reviews!

Get to work with a Learnmate business & life coach to realise your potential.
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Awards and industry accreditations.

We pride ourselves on delivering the best outcomes for students and providing a safe environment for them to learn. This means ensuring that the quality of service provided by tutors meets your expectations and everyone feels safe and supportive in our community. Learnmate has set up partnerships with key independent providers to ensure we meet and exceed recognised standards in the tutoring industry and has been recognised for doing so.

Have you loved working with your tutor? Ensure you leave them a rating and review.
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Here's why you should use Learnmate.

For Everyone

We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to better themselves through education — whether that’s personally, professionally or academically — regardless of where they live, how old or young they are, or their abilities. We make it possible through our platform.

Learn Your Way

Whether you’re looking to get ahead or working towards a specific study score, Learnmate connects you to tutors who can tailor where and how they teach based on your needs.

Value for Money

You find the tutor that meets your budget and for the number of sessions you need. You’ll never be signed into a set syllabus which means every dollar goes towards helping you achieve your specific goals. No wastage.

Trusted Platform

We pride ourselves on creating and maintaining a community of reliable, credible and trustworthy people. We help tutors put their best foot forward, students find their perfect Learnmate and parents have peace of mind.
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Hear what Some of Our Students Have To Say


Kate is an incredibly efficient and compassionate English tutor.

Kate is an incredibly efficient and compassionate English tutor. She has guided my development in several key areas including a clear formation of ideas and accurate grammar in an enjoyable manner. Her abundant resources and flexibility with her lesson structure have made my year 12 IB Literature experience significantly easier to manage.
5 Star Ratings

Learnmate is a great portal that helped me to access some of the best tutors for my subjects.

Learnmate is a great portal that helped me to access some of the best tutors for my subjects. I struggle in English and have found a Learnmate tutor who is helping me to see remarkable improvements in my results
5 Star Ratings

Vincent has been so caring and supportive by adapting his teaching style to suit me.

I have had many tutors over my high school years, but none have been as great as Vincent. He has always been a positive tutor who has helped me strive to do my best even during the most challenging times. Vincent has been so caring and supportive by adapting his teaching style to suit me. 
5 Star Ratings
  • Caroline

    Kate is an incredibly efficient and compassionate English tutor.

    Kate is an incredibly efficient and compassionate English tutor. She has guided my development in several key areas including a clear formation of ideas and accurate grammar in an enjoyable manner. Her abundant resources and flexibility with her lesson structure have made my year 12 IB Literature experience significantly easier to manage.
    5 Star Ratings
  • Aaron

    Learnmate is a great portal that helped me to access some of the best tutors for my subjects.

    Learnmate is a great portal that helped me to access some of the best tutors for my subjects. I struggle in English and have found a Learnmate tutor who is helping me to see remarkable improvements in my results
    5 Star Ratings
  • Jayde

    Vincent has been so caring and supportive by adapting his teaching style to suit me.

    I have had many tutors over my high school years, but none have been as great as Vincent. He has always been a positive tutor who has helped me strive to do my best even during the most challenging times. Vincent has been so caring and supportive by adapting his teaching style to suit me. 
    5 Star Ratings
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