Learnmate Reviews & Testimonials

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Glowing reviews from students and parents

Over 10,000 students have used Learnmate, completing more than 160,000 hours of tutoring. With years of experience, Learnmate has become one of Australia’s most trusted and loved tutoring platforms, helping students achieve their academic goals.

But don’t just take our word for it—hear directly from the students and parents who have experienced the Learnmate difference.

📢 Watch their stories below and see how Learnmate has helped students excel!

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What Our Students and Parents Say About Us

Real Experiences, Genuine Feedback – Hear from Those Who Have Been a Part of Our Journey
Matthew’s confidence soared thanks to personalised, one-on-one sessions that targeted his specific challenges.
Learnmate’s one-on-one tutoring gave me the extra help I needed during assessment season.
I've raised my English and maths grades with Learnmate's world-class tutors.
Thank you for making it pleasant and most of all hassle free! I love Learnmate.
Thank you for making it pleasant and most of all hassle free! I love Learnmate.
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Hear what Some of Our Students Have To Say


Kate is an incredibly efficient and compassionate English tutor.

Kate is an incredibly efficient and compassionate English tutor. She has guided my development in several key areas including a clear formation of ideas and accurate grammar in an enjoyable manner. Her abundant resources and flexibility with her lesson structure have made my year 12 IB Literature experience significantly easier to manage.
5 Star Ratings

Learnmate is a great portal that helped me to access some of the best tutors for my subjects.

Learnmate is a great portal that helped me to access some of the best tutors for my subjects. I struggle in English and have found a Learnmate tutor who is helping me to see remarkable improvements in my results
5 Star Ratings

Vincent has been so caring and supportive by adapting his teaching style to suit me.

I have had many tutors over my high school years, but none have been as great as Vincent. He has always been a positive tutor who has helped me strive to do my best even during the most challenging times. Vincent has been so caring and supportive by adapting his teaching style to suit me. 
5 Star Ratings
  • Caroline

    Kate is an incredibly efficient and compassionate English tutor.

    Kate is an incredibly efficient and compassionate English tutor. She has guided my development in several key areas including a clear formation of ideas and accurate grammar in an enjoyable manner. Her abundant resources and flexibility with her lesson structure have made my year 12 IB Literature experience significantly easier to manage.
    5 Star Ratings
  • Aaron

    Learnmate is a great portal that helped me to access some of the best tutors for my subjects.

    Learnmate is a great portal that helped me to access some of the best tutors for my subjects. I struggle in English and have found a Learnmate tutor who is helping me to see remarkable improvements in my results
    5 Star Ratings
  • Jayde

    Vincent has been so caring and supportive by adapting his teaching style to suit me.

    I have had many tutors over my high school years, but none have been as great as Vincent. He has always been a positive tutor who has helped me strive to do my best even during the most challenging times. Vincent has been so caring and supportive by adapting his teaching style to suit me. 
    5 Star Ratings
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Why choose Learnmate?

 For Everyone

Over 10,000+ students tutored across Australia since 2015.

We believe every student deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential—no matter where they live, their age, or learning style. Learnmate makes high-quality tutoring accessible to everyone.

Learn Your Way

Over 700+ expert tutors, 160,000+ hours tutored.

With over 700 tutors nationwide, Learnmate has supported students for more than 160,000 hours—helping them build confidence, improve results, and reach their academic goals. Tutors tailor lessons to your needs, both online and in-person.

Value for Money

Affordable, flexible tutoring that works for you.

You’re in control—choose a tutor that fits your budget and learning goals. No lock-in contracts, no set syllabus—just quality tutoring that helps you succeed without unnecessary costs.

Trusted by Students & Parents

An average 4.8-star rating on Google.

Learnmate is built on trust. Our tutors are reliable, vetted, and committed to helping students excel. With thousands of positive reviews, parents and students know they’re in good hands.
Join Thousands of Students Excelling with Learnmate!
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