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110+ subjects to learn
Learnmate gives you direct access to a trusted community of hundreds of Australia's best and most affordable tutors who are all looking for opportunities to help you succeed.

Our nationwide network of expert tutors cover over 110 different subjects, ranging from primary and high school level, to Year 11 & 12, to general life and business skills such as public speaking, languages, instruments, AI and coding.

By booking a tutor on Learnmate you can have confidence that you're hiring the best and our platform makes it effortless to manage and pay for lessons to avoid the hassle of needing to carry cash.

Browse our subjects below or use the search bar above.
Learnmate Olivia Math Tutor
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Here's why you should use Learnmate.

600+ Tutors

Available all across Australia

Find the perfect in-person or online tutor and have trust in your selection with verified ratings and reviews.
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Affordable & secure

Up to 50% cheaper

Tutors are up to 50% cheaper than agency businesses and all payments are safely secured and processed by Learnmate.
No cash needed.
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110+ subjects

Our tutors cover everything

Whether you're looking for a school tutor, business coach or aspire to learn a new language, instrument or skill (ie. coding), we'll have the perfect Learnmate for you.
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7 in 10

Students engage tutors

Our research shows that 70% of students who achieve ATARs of 99+ engage one or more tutors. Join over 9,000 other students who have done the same on Learnmate.
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We have tutors for all ages.

Primary school tutoring

Help your child gain confidence and build the foundations for future academic success with ELC and Primary School tutoring. At Learnmate, we believe every child deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Partner with a Learnmate to create a personalised learning plan to help your child with the areas they need support or that you want to focus on.

Whether that's in English, maths or science, a new language, instrument or skill (such as Ai or coding), search Learnmate to find a tutor that suits your needs, including location, qualification, budget and special needs experience.

Year 7-10 High School tutoring

Between Years 7-10, your child will start to juggle a breadth of subjects and added responsibilities. They may naturally excel in some of these subjects, find some difficult, or simply struggle with the distractions of being a teen in a classroom setting. Individualised or small group tutoring can be extremely beneficial for students who want to accelerate their learning or to catch up and learn at their own pace.

Learnmate’s high school tutors have experience in structuring and planning lessons and supporting students across all year levels for a range of subjects.

Year 11 & 12 ATAR specialists

When it comes to Year 11 and Year 12 tutoring, Learnmate has the largest network of tutors in Australia. This includes tutors who achieved 99+ ATARs, perfect study scores, Premier’s Awards Recipients, Academic and Meritorious Scholarship Recipients, UCAT 99th percentilers and qualified teachers with a lifetime of experience!

Whether you're looking for an HSC, IB, QCE, TCE, SACE, WACE, VCE, UCAT or admissions test tutor, you can find them and achieve your academic potential on Learnmate.

Skills & life coaching

Looking to learn a new language or sharpen your conversation skills? Have you always wanted to take up an instrument or learn to code? Curious what AI is or how you can use it? Maybe you run a business and are looking for a coach to help you make the most of your opportunities?

Get to work with a Learnmate business & life coach to realise your potential.
  • Primary school tutoring

    Help your child gain confidence and build the foundations for future academic success with ELC and Primary School tutoring. At Learnmate, we believe every child deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential.Partner with a Learnmate to create a personalised learning plan to help your child with the areas they need support or that you want to focus on.

    Whether that's in English, maths or science, a new language, instrument or skill (such as Ai or coding), search Learnmate to find a tutor that suits your needs, including location, qualification, budget and special needs experience.
  • Year 7-10 High School tutoring

    Between Years 7-10, your child will start to juggle a breadth of subjects and added responsibilities. They may naturally excel in some of these subjects, find some difficult, or simply struggle with the distractions of being a teen in a classroom setting. Individualised or small group tutoring can be extremely beneficial for students who want to accelerate their learning or to catch up and learn at their own pace.

    Learnmate’s high school tutors have experience in structuring and planning lessons and supporting students across all year levels for a range of subjects.
  • Year 11 & 12 ATAR specialists

    When it comes to Year 11 and Year 12 tutoring, Learnmate has the largest network of tutors in Australia. This includes tutors who achieved 99+ ATARs, perfect study scores, Premier’s Awards Recipients, Academic and Meritorious Scholarship Recipients, UCAT 99th percentilers and qualified teachers with a lifetime of experience!
    Whether you're looking for an HSC, IB, QCE, TCE, SACE, WACE, VCE, UCAT or admissions test tutor, you can find them and achieve your academic potential on Learnmate.
  • Skills & life coaching

    Looking to learn a new language or sharpen your conversation skills? Have you always wanted to take up an instrument or learn to code? Maybe you run a business and are looking for a coach to help you make the most of your opportunities?
    Get to work with a Learnmate business & life coach to realise your potential.
    Get to work with a Learnmate business & life coach to realise your potential.
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