Free Study Timetable Template & eBook on how to get the ATAR you need!

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FREE Study Timetable Template

Past students who achieved the study scores they needed did one thing in common: they planned their study schedule!

Having a study plan and structuring your week, weekend and term is a major factor that assists in organisation and accountability. It will help you in both school and in life. In our experience, a large portion of students who achieved an ATAR of 90+ created and followed a study plan and timetable.

As part of our commitment to student achievement at Learnmate, we have created a simple study planner to support you in achieving success this year.

What’s included:

Step by step instructions & guide
Weekly Study Template in Word and Google Sheets
Summer Timetable Template in Word and Google Sheets
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FREE Study Guide eBook: How to get the ATAR You Need

A compilation of the habits and strategies that high achievers have in common.

Learnmate’s study guide highlights the strategies, habits, tips, and tricks utilised by previous students and tutors to achieve their target ATAR. The data is based on internal Learnmate research and provides data-driven insight into what makes a student a high performer and what behaviours, strategies and methods are likely to help students achieve an ATAR of 85-90, 90-95, 95-99, and 99+.

Through crucial steps, we highlight what is required for students to best position themselves to achieve their dream ATAR, as well as give tips on how parents, guardians, and carers can support students in achieving their goals.
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Learnmate has prepared 8 planning tips to help you get the most out of your new study schedule.

Bonus tips: How to get the most of your schedule

Throughout your study week, try to schedule some time for rest and relaxation, as over-studying can be just as unproductive as under-studying.
Focus on effectiveness, which means doing what works best for you. Remember It's not so much about how much work you can cram into an hour, as it is about how well that time allocation fits your learning style. You can be inspired by other people's routines and strategies, but don't sacrifice what you know works because they previously outperformed you.
Recognize your own strengths and weaknesses in relation to your subjects. If you know you're worse in English than Maths, you might need to allocate extra time to that subject in your schedule.
Spend the first few weeks experimenting and fine-tuning the schedule. After a few tweaks here and there, you'll eventually find a groove that works for both you and your lifestyle. When the time comes, you will be able to maintain the discipline to stick to it routinely.
To avoid overcramming material, we recommend studying for a maximum of 2-3 subjects every night and 3-4 on weekends. This will ensure that each subject receives adequate attention while still allowing you to live a balanced life.
Remember to STAY ON SCHEDULE. Your routine should be designed to account for days when you have commitments and time to relax. Of course, there will be days when you need a break, but in general, you should be able to stick to it!
Buying notes from previous students or companies is great, but make sure you modify them to be your own to ensure knowledge memorability.
Try to complete all practise tasks under time constraints and by hand, rather than using a computer. This will ensure that you are equipped for final exam conditions. remember to eliminate any distractions, such as your phone, music etc.
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    Find a tutor on Learnmate

    Study timetables and guides are useful tools for preparing for future exams. However, many students find that self-guided study is not always adequate to obtain the results they desire. Our research shows that engaging a tutor is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength – over 68% of students who achieved an ATAR of 99 or above engaged a tutor regularly.

    Learnmate is an Australian community platform that connects students with tutors who have in-depth subject knowledge and have undertaken and excelled in these subjects in the past or teach them. We have hundreds of qualified tutors ready to help you.

    Tutors generally offer structured study sessions, working closely with you at your individual level of understanding and pace while identifying potential strengths and areas to improve on. Tutors will often have subject-specific resources they have accumulated throughout their studies or as teachers that they can share with you to ensure you can achieve your study goals.

    If finding a Learnmate tutor sounds right for you, start your search by clicking the button below!

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