Enhance your study routine with Learnmate's free, customisable study timetable. Stay organised, boost productivity, and achieve your academic goals.
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FREE Study Timetable Template
Past students who achieved the study scores they needed did one thing in common: they planned their study schedule!
Weekly Study Planner - Step by step instructions & guide
Follow a simple, structured approach to plan your study sessions, subjects, and goals while tracking progress effectively. Stay organised and maintain consistency.
Flexible Study Timetable for HSC, VCE, QCE, WACE, SACE & IB!
Stay on track with our Year 12 study timetable template, designed for HSC, VCE, IB, QCE, WACE, SACE and final exams. Use it during the year or as an exam study timetable template to stay organised and track your progress!
Balanced Timetable Template – Study, Rest & Social Life
Our timetable encourages that you prioritise both academics and personal well-being by allocating time for study, sports, social activities, and leisure. Achieve a healthy study-life balance for peak performance.
Discover six proven strategies from Learnmate to optimise your study sessions and achieve better results.
Balance Study & Rest
Studying non-stop can be as ineffective as not studying at all. Plan regular breaks, exercise, and downtime to recharge and stay productive.
Effective Study Techniques
Experiment with active learning techniques like summarising, teaching others, or using flashcards. Adapt your approach, but stick to what helps you retain information best.
Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses
Identify your strongest and weakest subjects early. Allocate extra time to challenging areas while maintaining practice in subjects where you excel.
Refine Your Schedule
Test different study times and blocks (e.g., 25-minutes vs. 50-minutes deep work) and adjust based on what keeps you most focused and productive.
Avoid Overloading
Limit study sessions to 2-3 subjects per night and space out intense study blocks. Prioritise deep learning over long hours to avoid burnout.
Stick to Your Routine
Consistency beats intensity. Stick to a routine that balances study, rest, and revision to reinforce learning without feeling overwhelmed.
Find an expert tutor on Learnmate.
Need expert support? Learnmate connects you with top tutors for personalised lessons, structured study plans, and subject-specific resources to help you succeed.