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The most affordable and fairly priced tutoring in Australia

Tutors set their own hourly rates based on their experience, qualifications and overall service on Learnmate, which results in affordable tutors available for every household budget.

The average tutor on Learnmate is 35% cheaper than tutors hired through the most well known agencies and companies thanks to our marketing leading commission structure. Starting from just $30/hr, you can find tutors at every price point on Learnmate, with the average tutor charging around $55 in 2024.

Our mission is to make quality tutoring accessible and affordable.

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How does Learnmate’s pricing compare?

Tutors found by
word of mouth

From $...?/hr

Choice limited by who knows who
Difficult to do background checks
Limited choice and time intensive
Difficult to organise and need cash
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From just $30/hr

Expert tutors at every price point
You choose based on tutor’s profile
Every lesson personalised to you
Average hourly rate of $55 in 2024

Agencies & Tutoring Companies

From $85/hr

Fixed pricing & tutors paid poorly
Tutor profiles are hidden
No choice in who tutor is
Mass produced scripted programs
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Really happy with our Tutor Cathy, she is very attentive to my daughter's needs and provides me with regular updates regarding my child's progress. She is a lovely caring beautiful lady and I would highly recommend, I'm so glad we found Cathy :) My daughter looks forward to her tutoring lesson each week
5 Star Ratings
We found a great tutor for our daughter's HSC exams. The tutoring was very structured, outcome-focused and encouraging taking my daughter through all the curriculum requirements. The platform is super easy to use, straight forward, no need to buy a certain amount of lessons in advance and ability to reschedule lessons if need be, without penalty. Every lesson comes with a lesson digest for the parents.
5 Star Ratings
I heard about Learnmate from school counsellor, and it's been fantastic. We found the right tutor for our daughter, and it goes really well. Learnmate makes everything easier. Thank you, highly recommend Learnmate to everyone.
5 Star Ratings
Can highly recommend this platform. Our tutor knew the content very well and our daughter now she feels confident for exams. Simon was always happy to help with any queries we had and guided us through the process.
5 Star Ratings
Our son had the first introductory lesson with Gauravi for Chemistry and UCAT preparation. and we found her to be precise and supportive. Our son felt confident about the chapter she took him through and clearly saw the benefit of continuing learning with her. We look forward to her sharing tips and tricks that helped her achieve her great results!
5 Star Ratings
We are thrilled at the transformation in our son's performance and attitude towards maths since starting. In a very short space of time, maths has become his best subject and his confidence level is high. He actually enjoys his tutoring sessions. Dane has quickly transformed him. We are thrilled and I could not recommend Dane more highly.
5 Star Ratings
  • Jess
    Really happy with our Tutor Cathy, she is very attentive to my daughter's needs and provides me with regular updates regarding my child's progress. She is a lovely caring beautiful lady and I would highly recommend, I'm so glad we found Cathy :) My daughter looks forward to her tutoring lesson each week
    5 Star Ratings
  • Dorine
    We found a great tutor for our daughter's HSC exams. The tutoring was very structured, outcome-focused and encouraging taking my daughter through all the curriculum requirements. The platform is super easy to use, straight forward, no need to buy a certain amount of lessons in advance and ability to reschedule lessons if need be, without penalty. Every lesson comes with a lesson digest for the parents.
    5 Star Ratings
  • Dessi
    I heard about Learnmate from school counsellor, and it's been fantastic. We found the right tutor for our daughter, and it goes really well. Learnmate makes everything easier. Thank you, highly recommend Learnmate to everyone.
    5 Star Ratings
  • Kerry
    Can highly recommend this platform. Our tutor knew the content very well and our daughter now she feels confident for exams. Simon was always happy to help with any queries we had and guided us through the process.
    5 Star Ratings
  • Pad
    Our son had the first introductory lesson with Gauravi for Chemistry and UCAT preparation. and we found her to be precise and supportive. Our son felt confident about the chapter she took him through and clearly saw the benefit of continuing learning with her. We look forward to her sharing tips and tricks that helped her achieve her great results!
    5 Star Ratings
  • Lisa
    We are thrilled at the transformation in our son's performance and attitude towards maths since starting. In a very short space of time, maths has become his best subject and his confidence level is high. He actually enjoys his tutoring sessions. Dane has quickly transformed him. We are thrilled and I could not recommend Dane more highly.
    5 Star Ratings
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How it works

Number 1

Find your tutor

Browse our tutors and use filters to find expert tutors aligned with your goals and requirements.
Number 2

Complete lessons

Effortlessly progress to lessons. Our platform makes starting one-on-one lessons a breeze.
Number 3

Achieve greatness

Receive personalised guidance from expert tutors. Master subjects and unlock your true potential.
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