Learnmate’s commission

Industry leading commission structure
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Join 10,000+ students
tutored on Learnmate.
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Pick from over 700
amazing tutors across Australia.
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Save up to 50% on tutoring
compared to agency businesses.
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Here’s the lowdown on Learnmate’s commission

It is completely free to have an account on Learnmate. Learnmate works on a commission basis, so you only pay Learnmate if you get paid by students for tutoring.

Learnmate has a market leading commission that ranges between 23-30% depending on whether you have a Bronze, Silver, Gold or Pro account tier on Learnmate. Tiers are the incentive and reward program on learnmate.

Say goodbye to other organisations taking up to 70% of your hard earned.

Become a tutor
Learnmate Penny Tutor
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How it works

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Register for an account

if you meet our minimum requirements, register for an account and create your profile on Learnmate.
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Tutor students

Once live on Learnmate, tutor students who ask you for help. Log lessons in your calendar and Learnmate take care of the rest.
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Payments & reward

Learnmate automatically pays you for lessons completed & eliminates risk of non-payment. Unlock higher tiers as you go.
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What are Learnmate’s tutor tiers?


Our starting tier.

New tutors who are just starting on Learnmate pay a 30% commission until they get some runs and experience on the board.
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Brand building.

Tutors who have started to build their brand by completing lessons on Learnmate and the starting tier for qualified teachers.
27.5% commission.
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Established tutors.

Our gold tier is awarded to tutors who are established on Learnmate and have completed hundreds of hours. It carries a 25% commission.
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Elite experience.

This tier is for tutors who have earned their status by tutoring a lot, have excellent reviews and carries a 23% commission. These tutors are the best of the best.
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Hear what our tutors have to say for yourself!

"Find students, arrange lessons and receive payment easily and efficiently."
Linda, Tutor
"Tutoring is one of the most rewarding jobs I've ever had."
Claire, Tutor
"A great platform to apply my tutoring skills and learn valuable life skills."
Daniel, Tutor
"An inclusive environment for all tutors."
Liam, Tutor
"Arrange lessons arround your schedule and positively impact the lives of students."
Nicola, Tutor
"Guaranteed payment - I receive pay weekly for lessons completed.."
Aric, Tutor
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Where does the commission go?

Number 1


We continually invest heavily in Learnmate's platform to ensure we're providing a world class experience for all of our users.
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Marketing is one of Learnmate's main expenses and is critical to grow the platform, generate interest for tutors and find amazing tutors too.
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We need good people to maintain Learnmate’s platform and provide quality support to our community. We are committed to providing an elite experience for our community.
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Join the Community of Tutors Earning with Learnmate!

Become a tutor today!
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