Badges & Verification

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WWCC & Verified Badges

What are they?

To build trust and integrity in Learnmate’s community, tutors can earn a WWCC badge on their profile by providing their current Working with Children Check (or equivalent) to Learnmate.

Being a teacher or tutor in Australia generally means working with children under the age of 18. To ensure the safety and wellbeing of young and vulnerable people in our community, Australia’s States and Territories require that tutors have a valid WWCC (or equivalent) in order to do paid or volunteer tutoring work.

Please note, this badge is provided based on point in time verification and you should always ensure you ask your tutor for a current copy of their WWCC (or equivalent) prior to commencing tutoring.

Tutors can also earn a Verified badge on Learnmate by providing a copy of an official transcript or documentation that verifies qualifications, academic history or the like stated on their profile.

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Loui J on phone

Qualified Teacher & ATA Trained Badges

What are they?

In addition to a WWCC badge, tutors can earn an ATA Trained badge and Qualified Teacher badge on their profile by:

  • completing Learnmate’s Advanced Tutor Training course, which Learnmate created in conjunction with the Australian Tutoring Association; and
  • providing evidence of a valid teaching accreditation to Learnmate to verify.
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Advice for Parents and Students

Ask a tutor for their check

You should always ask your tutor for a copy of their WWCC (or equivalent) before your first lesson to ensure your tutor is permitted to work with students under the age of 18. Most States and Territories provide a free online tool for you to verify the currency of a tutor’s check. Use Google to find the relevant tool in your State or Territory.

Safe environments & privacy

If lessons are to be in-person with your tutor, make sure you are comfortable meeting in the suggested meeting place and we recommend you don’t share your home or private address until you have built trust and a rapport with your tutor. Try to always meet where others are around.

If you’re engaging in online tutoring, it should never take place from a student or tutor’s bedroom and a student should always have the lesson on loudspeaker with a parent or guardian present or in earshot of the computer.

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Why choose Learnmate?

For Everyone

We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to better themselves through education — whether that’s personally, professionally or academically — regardless of where they live, how old or young they are, or their abilities. We make it possible through our platform.

Learn Your Way

Whether you’re looking to get ahead or working towards a specific study score, Learnmate connects you to tutors who can tailor where and how they teach based on your needs.

Value for Money

You find the tutor that meets your budget and for the number of sessions you need. You’ll never be signed into a set syllabus which means every dollar goes towards helping you achieve your specific goals. No wastage.

Trusted Platform

We pride ourselves on creating and maintaining a community of reliable, credible and trustworthy people. We help tutors put their best foot forward, students find their perfect Learnmate and parents have peace of mind.
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"Excellent opportunities for students to reach out to you."

Learnmate functions in a way that provides excellent opportunities for students to reach out to you (instead of being allocated students) this usually results in a better pairing.


5 Star Ratings

"Learnmate takes on all of the administration and financial aspects"

Learnmate takes on all of the administration and financial aspects. This means that you can tutor without worrying about having to ask for money from your students.


5 Star Ratings

"The online training course at the start of my journey was super helpful."

The online training course at the start of my journey was super helpful and taught me a lot about tutoring that I didn't know - like lesson planning.


5 Star Ratings

"Constant support, resources and advice."

Learnmate is a great company fo work for, with consfant support, resources and advice. Learnmate allows me fo advertise my tuforing services, schedule lessons with students and fakes care of all the billing for me.


5 Star Ratings

"You have all the flexibility"

You have all the flexibility. You decide when you have the lessons with your students and decide the rate you want to charge.


5 Star Ratings
  • Ben

    "Excellent opportunities for students to reach out to you."

    Learnmate functions in a way that provides excellent opportunities for students to reach out to you (instead of being allocated students) this usually results in a better pairing.


    5 Star Ratings
  • Danielle

    "Learnmate takes on all of the administration and financial aspects"

    Learnmate takes on all of the administration and financial aspects. This means that you can tutor without worrying about having to ask for money from your students.


    5 Star Ratings
  • Chloe

    "The online training course at the start of my journey was super helpful."

    The online training course at the start of my journey was super helpful and taught me a lot about tutoring that I didn't know - like lesson planning.


    5 Star Ratings
  • Maddie

    "Constant support, resources and advice."

    Learnmate is a great company fo work for, with consfant support, resources and advice. Learnmate allows me fo advertise my tuforing services, schedule lessons with students and fakes care of all the billing for me.


    5 Star Ratings
  • Hala

    "You have all the flexibility"

    You have all the flexibility. You decide when you have the lessons with your students and decide the rate you want to charge.


    5 Star Ratings
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