FAQs - Families & Students

Frequently asked questions
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We’ve curated answers to some to some frequently asked questions on Learnmate.

If you have a question that does not appear below, contact our support team.

The best tutors.
Learnmate provides a platform to find trusted individuals you want to learn from. Our community consists of high achievers, highly experienced teachers and professionals who have conquered a subject or domain and can help you achieve your learning goals.

Whether you're after a tutor who was a high achiever in school, a qualified teacher, a coaching professional or simply an expert in their domain, there's someone for everyone on Learnmate.

Affordable and fairly priced
Tutors and coaches set their own hourly rates on Learnmate based on their experience, qualifications and overall service. With hundreds of tutors on Learnmate, there is an affordable tutor available for every household budget.

On average, tutors and coaches are up to 50% cheaper than tutors and coaches engaged through agencies and other companies. Why? The simple answer is Learnmate takes less with an industry leading commission structure. That simply means less is passed onto you.

Simply and effortlessly succeed and save with a Learnmate.

There's something for everyone on Learnmate. 

There are over 110 subjects currently taught by tutors and coaches on Learnmate. The subject range includes tutoring for children aged anywhere between ELC/kinder and Year 12, to anyone looking to learn an instrument, language or skill (such as coding) or a professional looking for business and life coaching.

Specific subjects include (but are not limited to):

  • English, Science and Maths
  • Business, Economics and Arts
  • Languages, such as French, Spanish and German
  • Musical instruments, such as Guitar, Cello, Piano and Violin
  • Admissions tests and interview preparation
  • Business & Life Coaching
  • Coding
  • and much more...!

Tutors and coaches are available both online and in-person all across Australia. Whether you’re in a metropolitan CBD or living in a remote location, there will be someone for you on Learnmate.

Tutors choose where and how they tutor - some will tutor online and in-person and some may only do one or the other. You can use Learnmate's filters located on the left hand side of your search (if you can't see it, press the little green tab) to see if there are tutors near you.

The availability of in-person tutoring will depend on your location and particular need. As tutors have spent the last few years learning and teaching online, we're confident they have mastered teaching online and can be just as effective as if they were in-person.

Tutors and coaches must apply to list on Learnmate and meet certain minimum requirements before approved to list. Learnmate reviews all applications to ensure that tutors and coaches meet a minimum level of relevant experience and/or qualification. That said, you should always review a tutor or coach's profile and ensure they meet your requirements before proceeding to lessons.

Generally, tutors must have:

  • experience teaching
  • a relevant qualification or experience
  • can demonstrate they have mastered a skill or domain, or
  • personally excelled at the subjects they teach.

Additionally, all tutors and coaches are required to maintain a current Working with Children Check to work with students under the age of 18 in Australia. Please ensure you ask to see and verify your tutor's Working with Children Check prior to engaging any tutor for students under the age of 18.

If you're engaging a tutor for a school student, the answer will depend on the student’s specific needs, current level and goals.

Evidence for Learning (2020) believe that optimum impact is achieved in one-to-one tutoring where short (roughly 30 minute) regular lessons are completed 3-5 times per week (i.e. 1.5-2.5 hours per week) over a set period of time. Our data suggests this is most suitable for younger and primary school tuition, whereas Year 11-12 tuition tends to be longer (1-1.5 hours) lessons and should occur 1-2 times per week.

Option 1. Contact tutors

Once you have found a tutor or coach that you want to work with, click 'Contact tutor' on their profile to reach out to the tutor directly. Discuss your requirements with the tutor, ask questions about their experience, availability and rates and decide if you want to proceed to lessons. If you do, and your tutor is available at a suitable time, ask them to schedule lessons in; you will receive notifications when lessons are booked and they will start to appear in your calendar on Learnmate.

Option 2. Request a lesson

Alternatively, you can request a lesson directly from a tutor by clicking 'Request lesson' on a tutor's profile and provide your tutoring requirements, desired day and times for a lesson.

If you are looking to request an in-person lesson, make sure your tutor is in your area by using Learnmate's advanced location filter. To increase the likelihood your tutor can fit you in, we suggest that you request for your first lesson to be online.

If your tutor is available, they will schedule in your lesson and you will be notified once it is booked in your calendar on Learnmate.

Learnmate is a cashless platform.

To have lessons with a tutor, users need to join Learnmate and have a valid credit or debit card linked to the account. You will be prompted on sign-up to add connect a credit card to your account. As per our Terms & Conditions, cash payment and direct transfers are not accepted.

Automated payments. 

Payment will be automatically processed from the credit or debit card linked to your account after each lesson.

Privacy & Security

Learnmate uses Stripe, one of the most trusted payment providers, to process and securely and privately store payment information. Learnmate does not store or have any visibility over your payment information.

The likes of Airbnb, Amazon, Zoom, Atlassian, Shopify and many other companies you deal with on a day-to-day basis all use Stripe to process payments. 

You're in safe and secure hands with Stripe. 

Everyone deserves the opportunity to better themselves through education, regardless of where they live or their abilities. Our mission is simple: to connect people looking to learn with affordable tutors, teachers and coaches across Australia who can help them realise their full potential.

Learnmate tutors provide personalised learning, which empowers you to learn your way. Whether you’re looking to get ahead, fill knowledge or skill gaps, working towards a specific ATAR, study score or skill, Learnmate connects you to tutors who can tailor where and how they teach based on your needs.

With an ever-growing platform of tutors, there are countless options for you to choose from. With hundreds of tutors to choose from, there are tutors for every household budget. You will never be signed into a set syllabus or number of lessons, which means every dollar you spend goes towards helping you achieve your specific goals.

As your Learnmate, our tutors want to see you become your best self.

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